Answering a Reader Question #856

Anonymous Wrote: Hi Diana. My 11 year was spotted at her school fair last weekend by the owner of a mother agency. They are based in America and we live in Asia. We've been told we have to wait 4-5 years and see how my daughter will grow and change but wants to sign a contract with her now. Is this wait and see period enough ? There are not many opportunity to start any experience where we are now, meaning that when she reaches 15-16 years she will have had 0 experience. Thanks for your advice. Hey, Anonymous! Since there aren't many modeling opportunities where you are currently in Asia, it sounds like a good chance for your daughter to have the first steps of her modeling career set up over the next few years. Have you read the contract to see what the business relationship with the agency would look like during this waiting period? It would be nice if they set up test shoots for her in the meantime to get her feet wet and give her some experience in front of ...