Answering a Reader Question #824

Lucy Wrote:

Hello, Dania
I got signed with an agency a short time ago and as I was re-reading the contract, I noticed some things I initially didn't. What is bothering me is the part stating something along the lines of "the mother agency is allowed to sign contracts in the name of the model." Is this common or should I be worried? (I don't want others signing stuff for me without my consent or knowledge as to the particular contracts) I haven't found any information about this on the Internet. Also, it's stated that they are allowed to use my name, photos, voice (which is ok, but also...) and something like "CV information" in the media. Any idea why it is even there? I am a little worried, because "CV information" includes my address and contact information.
Otherwise they seem like a solid agency, judging from the fact that they will only expect payment for their initial investments after I earn money via their help.
Thank you.

Hi there, Lucy!

For the first part of your question, it is the norm for the agency to represent and operate on your behalf. However, that doesn't mean they are going to sign things in your name without telling you about it. They will work with you in this regard, present the options that come with the need to sign on your behalf and will make you aware of any actions happening that would require this. So you'll be kept in the loop.

As to the second part of your question, they will not publish personal or sensitive information. Because agencies represent their models, they do not want clients or other people to contact the model directly--they want people to contact the agency--so they would have no need to publish your address and contact info because that would not be in their best interest.

I think the CV info they may be referring to (if it's even applicable...for legal purposes, stuff like that is thrown into contracts so the agency can cover all their bases so the CV situation may not even come into play in your situation) is stuff related to your experience, physical stats, etc. The broad stuff.

So I think you're good to go. :-)


  1. Thank you a lot! :) I really appreciate your willingness to help fellow models. Kudos to you! :)


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