Answering a Reader Question #820

Anonymous Wrote:

Hello! I'm a 15 year old girl. I was planning on getting a tattoo on the back of my arm, like right above my elbow. It'll be about and inch wide and an inch in height. How much would that effect my chances in modeling? Thanks!

Hi, Anonymous!

The location of the tattoo is one that is always exposed at some point so it could be a hindrance to an agency wanting to sign you. However, the fact that it won't be very big could work in your favor, especially since that should be easy to cover with body makeup if needed.

If your physical look is what an agency wants, then they'll overlook a small tattoo like that but I would suggest submitting to agencies now (if you're ready) and seeing what feedback you get. If an agency wants to sign you, ask them about the tattoo and see what they say. Ultimately, hearing from the agencies about the matter is going to determine whether or not the tattoo you want to get will effect your chances.

But in general, not having any tattoos will get your foot in the door faster. You could always get signed first and then get the tattoo later. So you've got options to play with.


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