Answering a Reader Question #822

Virginia Wrote:

Hi Dania,

I know it sounds a bit stupid, but are models allowed to have hair extensions (not the clip ins ones, the ones that last like 5 months and barely damage the hair) ? I have had mines since 3 months and they look really natural but I dont know if its considered as 'cheating' in the modelling industry? I have a modelling contest coming up so I wouldn't want to be excluded from the contest because of my hair, even though I really dont want to remove them!
Thanks a lot xx

Hey, Virginia!

That's not a stupid question at all. Sew-in weaves/extensions are acceptable but the key is that if you go into a modeling contest or submit to an agency with them, you have to be committed to keeping that look.

So if you want to stick with the sew-in, you can but you'll need to make sure to keep it fresh and get them redone as needed. You'll want your look to be consistent, which is important.


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