Answering a Reader Question #846

Nichole Boyce Wrote:

I signed a contract a couple years ago but have not had a ride to do the photo shot I payed the commission would I still be able to do the photo shot knowing that I payed even tho never showed up I really want to model still

Hi Nichole,

There's a lot of information missing from your situation that I would need to know in order to understand what your options would be.

Based on what you wrote, I'm understanding that you got booked for a modeling job but did not show up. As a result, you paid the commission to your agency that was owed regardless since you did not fulfill your duties.

I doubt you'd still be able to do the shoot after not being available the first time. Have you talked to your agent to find out what their advice is? Did you get in trouble for not showing up to that gig? Are you still being represented by them? Was the shoot for an actual paid client or was it for something else?

If you want to discuss your situation in further detail, feel free to shoot me an email directly:


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