Answering a Reader Question #845

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania,

I recently submitted my photos to a IPM model management in NY. I was contacted back asked to send for photos which i did. I was offered a 2 year contract and told that I need to pay for a shoot, for high quality anywhere from $700-$1200. I was nervous about this because i read that the agency should be investing in you. After i read you post i feel a little better. However they also mentioned a $300 a year fee for the agency to maintain you profile on their website. This seems steep to me. I also feel like 2 years is a long time. What if I don't get sent out enough? I am just nervous about all of it and worried about being taken advantage of. What is your advice or 2 cents on the matter ?

Hey there, Anonymous!

The $300 website fee is terribly high. I've never heard of that high of a fee before. If there are models out there paying it, I haven't heard about it. That would make me very uneasy, too. The most I've been aware of for having a profile on an agency's website is $125 a year. Not sure if that number is higher now due to the change in the market and rates but that just doesn't feel like a good number to me at all.

Have you looked at the contract to find out what the "Exit Clause" is? It's important that you know before signing it how long you have to stay in the contract before you can terminate it early, as well as what steps need to be taken so that the agency can honor your request to get out of the contract term.

I would say give the contract a good read through and see how comfortable you feel after finding out what the "Exit Clause" entails.

Best of luck!


  1. Hi Dania, this blog is so helpful... I appreciate all the help you've given!. I was reading through reader question #845 and I actually recently submitted photos to both IPM Model management and MSA New York for the curve division. I received an email from IPM telling me to give them a call. I called and was told they love my look and was asked to send more photos which I did. I also got an email from MSA requesting more photos as well. How long should I wait before sending a follow up email or just assuming that it's a no for right now? I know its a waiting game and all about patience but I've wanted it for so long and just very anxious :). Thanks for the help!

  2. Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your question in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #904."

    Thanks for reading!


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