Answering a Reader Question #841

Anna Wrote:

Hi Dania,

My name is Anna. I am 19 years old and 5'7. Im very interested in starting Petite Fashion Modeling. However I do have a big tattoo of a lion on the back of my right shoulder, do you think that would be okay? If so awesome. I would like to take some snapshots of myself and send them to you to get an opinion from you on from where I should start or go. If you could do that then that"s even better! Thank you so much for taking your time!:)

Hey Anna,

Large tattoos could be an issue for you. Smaller ink can easily be covered with makeup or Photoshopped out but if it's a really large tattoo, I don't know that an agency and/or clients would be willing to deal with it because it would take too much to work around.

But definitely send me snapshots, including your tattoo, and I'll see if I can give you more advice on the matter. You can email me directly at:


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