Answering a Reader Question #832

Unknown Wrote:

Hi Dania!
Its funny your name is Dania because that is my bfs sisters name. I've never heard it other than when I met her but anyways... Haha So I just got the offer to be signed with The Bella Agency in LA. and I've also done some freelance modeling work before that. At the same time right now, this is my last semester in school and I got a job offer to work in Medical sales which can be very lucrative with a good company. The hours are Monday though Friday 9am to 5pm I haven't officially accepted both of them but the Medical sales job will be sending me my offer soon and the modeling agency my contract. I don't know what to do because I'm currently unemployed and am about to move out with my little sister to help her with rent. Modeling has always been a passion of mine and I honestly love it. I'm just scared of the uncertainty of jobs. Please let me know what I should do? I've asked friends and they are 50/50 it's like secure income or something that may not be as secure. I know if I pick modeling I will have to get a 2nd job at night most likely. Or do you think maybe there is a way for me to do both?? I would like to maybe say something to my agency without ruining my chances and being dropped. Please help!! This is a huge life pickle!

Hey, Unknown!

Lol, ever since social media became popular, I found out that there are tons of Danias out there! Sorry for the delay in replying back--I'm out of state for a pageant so there's been a lot going on these past few weeks! I'm sure you've probably already had to make a decision but for now I'll go ahead and answer your questions to be the best of my ability.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you what to do. The final decision has to be yours but what I can do is give you some "food for thought," since I've been where you are now.

Agencies work with models who have full-time and part-time jobs or who are full-time or part-time students all the time. Your situation isn't anything they haven't heard before so I doubt you bringing your concerns to them would be a huge issue. However, what they will want to know is: will you be available for castings, go-sees and jobs? Will you be able to take on last minute castings or will your availability be super limited? If your schedule won't allow for much dedication to modeling, then the agency likely won't want to waste their time marketing a model who probably won't be able to take on a job, you know?

With a 9-5 Monday thru Friday job, you'd probably have to take long lunches or even lie about needing to come in late or leave early. That's what I had to do when I worked a corporate 9-5 job. Needless to say, it left me extremely stressed out, unable to be my best at the castings and it got me in trouble a few times at work (I didn't tell my corporate job I did modeling--I don't recommend it, either, because companies want you to basically commit to them and not have "distractions").

Modeling doesn't offer job security or stability and even in terms of pay, you'd still have to wait between 30-90 days to get a check so if you'd be okay with having a second job and occasional modeling income, then that's the path you'll want to take. Of course, that is a more stressful route because you wouldn't be able to predict how much money you could make through modeling BUT if you had the second job, at least you know you'd have some reliable income and you'd have the kind of schedule that an agency could use to their full advantage. It is a numbers game after all--the more castings you go to, the higher your chances are of booking work.

What I did was stay with my 9-5 and stacked up my paychecks so I got a nice financial cushion going. I did end up getting laid off, though, so it basically worked out that I could pursue modeling and acting as much as I wanted. Ever since then, I've been self employed so I was very lucky in the way things turned out. I know the self employment route isn't for everybody so I'm not saying you should do exactly what I did, lol.

It couldn't hurt to let the agency know you're about to take on a full-time job and see if a trial run kind of situation could be worked out, where they can see how easily you'd be able to attend castings and you can find out how things work at the medical sales company. In the end, if it proves to be too difficult to juggle, then you'll have your answer.

I would love to know how things turned out so feel free to comment here with an update on your situation or shoot me an email directly:


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