Answering a Reader Question #795

Olivia Wrote:

Hello, my name is olivia and I just got 'signed' with a mother agency..the reason there are air quotes around signed is because I never signed anything..I think this is sketchy, but am I wrong? Also the owner is knowingly lying about my measurements, and they're not an inch off theyre about 5. Also her name is Sparkle and she says we'll never meet. I just want to know what I should do, personally I want out of this situation.

Hi, Olivia,

Whoa, that sounds all bad and definitely not a situation you want to find yourself in. The fact that you didn't sign anything is certainly in your favor and to be honest, since nothing was signed, I don't see why you can't just walk away and not look back.

Has "Sparkle" (I couldn't help but chuckle when I read that part, sorry, lol) contacted you since you "signed" with her in regards to modeling assignments or anything similar? If so, what has the communication and working relationship been like...or have you not heard anything from her at all since? Have you been out on castings?

Because you didn't sign anything, I would say you're fine to just move on and not maintain contact with her. But if you wanted to cover all your bases, there would be nothing wrong with contacting her directly and explaining that at this point in time you are not able to move forward with being represented by her. You don't have to explain anything more than that. From there, see what she says but since there isn't a contract involved, I find it hard to believe that she would be able to make you stay.

It's clear that you do not want to continue working with her so just stick to your guns and let her know you want to terminate the working relationship. If she gets defensive or is unprofessional in her response, then that will be a clear sign this is not someone to continue maintaining contact with. If she tries to say that you can't leave, ask her to provide documentation that supports her request that you stay on and if she can't, well, then there's nothing she can do.

I think you not signing anything is what will ultimately be your saving grace in getting out of this strange situation. I wish you the best of luck but if you need further assistance, you can email me directly at:


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