Answering a Reader Question #792

Tatianna Wrote:

Hi so i'm currently 22 years old & i want to pursue high fashion modeling but i'll be 23 soon ! do you think agencies will accept me ?

Hi Tatianna,

It depends on where you're located. If you're in a small to medium market, those agencies usually have more flexibility with the age ranges. The big markets like Los Angeles, New York and Miami tend to be a lot stricter when it comes to age and female fashion models.

Many fashion agencies in big markets set the maximum age at 21, a few have upped the bar to 22. If you're 22 at the time you submit to an agency and they're interested in signing you, I don't think you turning 23 will be a huge deal, especially if they feel they can get you work. So I would say if there are agencies you meet the requirements for and are at their max age (if it's set at 22), then submit.

You have nothing to lose by submitting to agencies, even if you think it may be a long shot due to your age. The worst they can say is "no" or simply not reply back to your submission. It's not like you'll get in trouble or told that you have no business submitting. At least you'll know that you gave it a shot.

High fashion modeling is one of the hardest to break into successfully in the industry and even if you end up being past the age cut off for this type of modeling, that doesn't mean you can't still submit to fashion agencies in general to see if they can find a place for you.

Submitting is the only way you'll get answers so I say go for it. :-)


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