Answering a Reader Question #794

Beatriz Wrote:

Hi! I'm 17 and 5'1. I'm an aspiring model and I was wondering what type of modeling I fit into? I am also economically unstable are there any economic friendly agencies available and I'm from California, San Diego

Hey there, Beatriz!

Because of your height, you'll be limited to commercial/print. Depending on how soon you turn 18, you may also be able to still qualify for teen modeling depending on what divisions the agencies in your area offer and what their set age ranges for teen models is.

As far as the money situation goes, agencies work with people from all economic backgrounds. As long as they are a legitimate and reputable agency, they'll work with you to put together the materials you'll need for them to begin marketing you to potential clients.

However, at some point there will be things to pay for so it is important to only pursue modeling with an agency if you know that you'll be able to have the finances available when necessary. Please click this link for more details about the common costs that are associated with modeling:

That being said, below are two agencies in San Diego that you'll want to check out in order to get familiar with what they are looking for from potential model submissions:

Sharmon Freitas Talent Agency

Nouveau Models & Talent


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