Answering a Reader Question #676

Lindsey Wrote:

Hi Dania!

I love your blog! It's very helpful. I have a question that's kind of urgent. I'm going to New York soon to go to open calls at the agencies there. I'm very excited and am trying to prepare myself for anything that may come up. One question that I'm worried about them asking me is "Why do you want to be a 'agency's name' model?" I don't know how to answer that, and I know it shouldn't be as difficult as I'm making it. Any tips on an answer? Thanks!!! 

Hey, Lindsey!

I certainly can't tell you what you should say (I wouldn't feel right) but it is important to remember that you are basically "selling yourself" to the agency. It's like pitching a marketing campaign idea to a company that has hired you to be in charge of helping them gain more publicity.

Think about what makes for a successful model: great in front of the camera, takes direction easily, works well with other people, hardworking, professional, etc.

Not only do agencies want models that will be successful, they want models who understand how important the agency is to their career. Not only do you want to "sell" them the idea of why you would make a great model, you also want to briefly mention that they are the ones who can get you to reach those goals.

There's no need to gush or go on and on about how amazing the agency is but it helps to stroke their ego a bit by talking about how you feel confident that with their representation, you can take your modeling career to a much higher and more professional level.

The most important thing to remember when thinking of how to answer this question is: what can you contribute to the agency in a positive way as a model? Regardless of what you come up with, make sure what you say doesn't sound like you've been rehearsing it for days, lol. Make it your own and don't feel like you need to memorize everything word for word.

Having a basic idea of what you want to say and then speaking from your heart will show the agency that you are not only confident in yourself but sincere. I wish you the best of luck with the open calls!!!


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