Answering a Reader Question #674

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi! I have been aspiring to become a male model for a while and I think I have what it takes but I just feel like there would be a problem because I have a bit of acne on my face(very minimal. like 2 or 3 noticeable ones). Is it a problem because my face isn't crystal clear like these other male models? Also my body isn't completely hairless like theirs either. I have a bit of chest hair and stomach hair(again, very minimal). Would an agency turn me down because of these things? my body is very athletic built and I am lean and 6'0 feet tall. 

Hey, Anonymous!

Models don't have perfect skin--contrary to popular belief. The published images you see have been retouched so don't worry, your complexion doesn't have to be flawless in order to gain interest from an agency. They understand that models have skin issues, blemishes and breakouts from time to time.

If your acne is very minimal and not considered "moderate" or "severe," chances are you'll be fine. Just make sure when you take your snapshots to submit and/or when attending an open call, that your complexion is at its healthiest. Take what skin care steps you can to get your face as clear as possible (seek the help of a dermatologist if necessary) and then go about submitting to agencies.

Male models don't have to be completely hairless. Agencies are fine taking you on with the minimal body hair you have. It would be different if you had a lot of body hair. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote about this topic that will give you better insight on the matter:

Manscaping: What Male Models Need to Know


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