Answering a Reader Question #673

Jeff Castro Wrote:

My wife and I signed a 3 year contract for our 5 yr. old son in NYC. And we live 9hours away not thinking about what or how we will do this. We need at least a month to transfer with my job. How should I approach this with my agent that as of right now we can't do "go-sees" that to give us at least a month to get everything situated. Right now they went to a go-see the day we signed and they called us back for another look with the company. Thank you

Hey, Jeff!

Congrats on your son's contract but I definitely see the dilemma you're in. The good news is the solution really is simple: call/email the booker at the agency and tell them exactly what you told me. :-)

You've already got the contract signed so the good news is they can't change their mind but I'm sure this isn't the first time they've dealt with such a scenario. Be honest and ask for that wiggle room so you and your family can get situated and make sure availability will no longer be an issue.

Alert them of the situation as soon as possible before you and your wife end up getting more frustrated and inconvenienced by the back and forth with the go-sees.


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