Answering a Reader Question #579

Anonymous Wrote:

Hey Dania! I wasn't quite sure where to post this but I had a question and I would be quite greatful if you could answer!

When going to an open-call what is "proper etiquette"? Do you shake the representatives hand? Questions to expect from them?

Hi, Anonymous!

When it comes to open calls, the actual experience (where etiquette comes into play) depends on whether or not there are a lot of other people there. For example, if there are tons of other model hopefuls at the agency, the process will be more systematic and you may not have a chance to spend one-on-one time with a representative. This could make it difficult to create more of a connection and implement etiquette like shaking hands. But whenever you do see an opportunity, definitely shake hands with the representative that is working with you. If you don't get that chance, don't worry, it won't count against you.

Of course if there aren't a lot of other people at the casting call, this is a better situation where you can shake hands and engage more with whoever you're interacting with. For each person you make contact with at the open call, always thank them for their time afterwards.

Casting calls don't last that long so don't feel the need to go overboard with etiquette. As long as you are attentive, follow any instructions given to you and say "please" and "thank you" where it applies, that will be more than enough to make a good first impression.

Some questions you could be asked might include very basic things like:

"What modeling experience do you have, if any?" (if you don't have any experience, it's okay to say that)

"Why do you want to be a model?"

"Are you in school? Do you work?"

"What are your hobbies or goals for the future?"

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

These are just ice breaker questions so they can see your personality and how well you communicate. Maintain good eye contact, have good posture (no slouching!) and smile. Keep your answers brief and to the point...don't ramble.

But also be prepared for open calls that are a bit more "distant." To better illustrate what I mean by "distant," take a typical open call experience at BMG Models. First, they'll ask you to sign in and wait in the lobby. Then a representative will come out, introduce themselves (shake hands) and ask for your materials (snapshots, info sheet if there is one to fill out and/or portfolio if you are an experienced model).

They won't invite you to go back to the room with them--they'll simply ask you to stay seated in the lobby while they take your materials/photos to a back room out of sight. After a few minutes, the representative will come back out, hand you back your materials and thank you for your time. That means it's a "no." Or if they like you, then they'll ask you to come back with them to meet the other representatives.

So open calls can go either way. If you're in a more "distant" type of open call and they aren't interested, simply shake their hand and thank them for their time.


  1. Thank you so much for you're reply! It will be super helpful!


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