Answering a Reader Question #560

Anonymous Wrote:

hi i already do a BIT of modelling but only cuz my mom's friend is a designer but she's not rlly famous but i would really lyk 2 b a proper model. im eleven btw

Hi, Anonymous!

Getting signed to an agency should be your next step. You'll want to do an online search for the websites of modeling agencies that are within a 2 hour's drive from where you live.

The easiest way to do this is to search for agencies according to the city and state you live in. Browse through the websites of the agencies that pop up in your search results and first find out if they represent child models. If they don't, don't bother submitting.

For the ones that do, the websites will usually provide instructions or guidelines for how to submit yourself and what types of photos they want you to send. Make sure you find out if they ask for professional photos or non professional snapshots. Only give each agency exactly what they ask for. If you don't follow directions, they'll reject your submission automatically.

After you've submitted your materials, it'll be a matter of waiting to see which agencies contact you back with their interest.


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