Answering a Reader Question #564

Anonymous Wrote:

How many agents does a model have? For instance they're signed with a Milan, London, NY, LA, Paris agencies. Does that mean they 5 agents? Does this agents follow them to photoshoots? Is it the same as a manager? Or is a model assigned with a manager and agent as well?

Hey, Anonymous!

It depends. In the situation you described, you only listed names of the cities, not the actual agency names. Many agencies have international locations/offices. For example, if a model is signed to IMG in Milan, London, NY, LA and Paris, that means they technically only have 1 agency.

But if a model is signed to IMG in Milan, Storm in London, Next in NY, Wilhelmina in LA and Elite in Paris, then that model has 5 agencies. However, it is rare for any model--even one working internationally--to have that many agents at once. In most cases, top models usually have 3 agencies they work with in different locations. Of course there are exceptions but I'm talking about the average model here.

The agents don't go with the models to their photoshoots, castings or go-sees. The model is responsible for getting to and from these appointments by themselves. But if a model is underage, then they'll have a chaperone from the agency escort them to these appointments (unless a parent or guardian is able to go with them).

Working with a modeling agency isn't quite the same as working with a manager. When a model is signed to a modeling agency, they are assigned what is known as a "booker." This is a person at the agency that is responsible for sending the model's photos out to clients in order to get them work. The booker serves as the model's go-to-person at the agency and is the person who calls/emails the model to tell them when they have castings or jobs to go to. They're also the ones that provide the model with information related to the dates, time and location of the assignments, as well as what they should bring.

The booker works out of the agency's office and mainly keeps in touch with their assigned models via email and telephone. The model may check into the office from time to time and meet with their booker if asked or to drop off materials like updated photos, vouchers for payment, etc.


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