Answering a Reader Question #429

Anonymous Wrote:

Hey I'm 12 ab to be 13 in September and I have braces and just got them and I have to wait a Year until I get them off but I want to start modeling soon bc I love being in front of the camera,everyone I know or see they say I'm beautiful And I have a good bubbly personality but idk.what to do!!!!:(I can't wait 2 WHOLE years
P.S Ive never mOdeled and I have zero exsperiance:/

Hey, Anonymous!

It's fine that you don't have any modeling experience--it isn't mandatory for getting an agent so don't worry about that. If you can't wait until you get your braces off, submit yourself to agencies now and see what feedback you get. Just make sure to let them know how long you have until your braces will be removed.

If you hear back from an agency and they want to sign you now then go for it. If you don't receive a response from any of the agencies you submit to, then you'll know it's more than likely a sign that your chances will be better with your braces off--plus, you're allowed to resubmit to any agency, usually after 6 months to 1 year. While it won't be fun, in that situation the best thing you can do is wait but continue to do research about the modeling industry in general so that you're well informed once your time to shine comes around.

Make sure to visit the websites of the agencies you're interested in, since they list the instructions you'll need to follow in order to submit yourself.


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