Answering a Reader Question #416

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania,
In this post you say the minimum height requirement for print/commercial models is 5'5", do I have a chance if I'm 5'4"? 

Hey, Anonymous! Being 5'4" doesn't completely put you out of the running for print modeling. Unlike fashion and runway, agencies are more welcoming to making an exception to the rule if there is a one inch difference. However, this is mainly the case if your look is exceptionally strong and marketable. So not every 5'4" aspiring print model is going to be automatically signed to an agency as an exception to the rule.

In some markets/locations, agencies have a much more flexible height requirement for this type of modeling and may gladly bring on much shorter models for print work. It doesn't happen everywhere but in general, this category of modeling isn't as strict when it comes to their height requirements so definitely give it a shot. 

I'm actually 5'4" but managed to get agency representation because they knew my look was marketable. I've been listed as 5'5" ever since, lol (even print agencies fudge about their models' heights!).


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