Answering a Reader Question #409

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi! So about maybe... 5 months ago, I submitted to a few agencies in my area. One of the agencies I was very interested in contacted me back and invited me to their open call. Something came up and I wasn't able to attend. I decided to put my agency search on hold until my braces came off. (Im 16 in case you were wondering). Well, my orthodontist said I will most likely get them off next appointment. So, I decided to start searching again. Do you think it will be unprofessional of me to resubmit to that same agency? Do you think they'll even remember I sent them snapshots (Im taking new ones, not using the same ones I sent before)? Should I also submit to more agencies I did not submit to before? Thank you for all of your help! 

Hey, Anonymous! You're definitely on the right track in your way of thinking. Once you get your new snapshots taken, definitely resubmit to the agency that had interest in you wouldn't be unprofessional at all. 

If you still have the contact info for the person at the agency that you spoke with, he/she should be who you connect with. Explain your situation and let them know you're still interested in getting representation through them. Then wait and see what they say.

However, also submit to other agencies. Never hold out for any particular agency. The more you submit to, the better your odds, especially if the original agency you submitted to doesn't get back to you. Good luck!


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