Answering a Reader Question #407

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania, how soon after signing with an agency can one expect to go on castings. I'm curious because I'm a new model and I signed with an agency in NYC 3 months ago and materials like pics started coming in this month and my online portfolio is done, and I'm waiting on the pics for two pictures in my hard copy portfolio to be done. Also my comp cards should be here in a month. I'm just wondering I'm also signed to their commercial/lifestyle and acting division. I'm curious what's the normal waiting period and what is too long where I should be concerned about them putting an effort to really market me:)

Hey, Anonymous! The sooner a model's marketing materials (headshot, comp card, portfolio, etc.) is in place, that sooner the agency can begin submitting them to open calls and castings because the whole package would be in place. In your case, it seems it's taking a while for those materials to get set up, which is why you haven't been sent out on anything yet. That's normal, however, it's too bad that they couldn't get those things in order sooner.

But you did mention that your online portfolio is done...that alone should have started the process of having your agent sending you to castings by now. Of course having the comp cards in place is important, too, since most models leave a copy of their comp cards with clients. So maybe that is why your agent hasn't taken action yet.

However, 3 months is quite a long time to not even be sent on even one casting or audition, especially since you do more than modeling work. I would suggest contacting your booker/main contact at the agency and inquiring about how soon they think you could be going to castings and auditions. Agencies sometimes get too busy for their own good and keeping in touch with them is an effective way to remind them who you are and allow them to evaluate where they're at in the process of marketing you.


  1. Hi! So about maybe... 5 months ago, I submitted to a few agencies in my area. One of the agencies I was very interested in contacted me back and invited me to their open call. Something came up and I wasn't able to attend. I decided to put my agency search on hold until my braces came off. (Im 16 in case you were wondering). Well, my orthodontist said I will most likely get them off next appointment. So, I decided to start searching again. Do you think it will be unprofessional of me to resubmit to that same agency? Do you think they'll even remember I sent them snapshots (Im taking new ones, not using the same ones I sent before)? Should I also submit to more agencies I did not submit to before? Thank you for all of your help!

  2. Hi Dania,
    I'm a student on summer break, staying in another state for a few months. I want to get started modeling as soon as possible. Since I'm only here for a few months should I refrain from contacting agencies in my area and wait till I go back to school?

  3. Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your question in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #409." Thanks for reading!

  4. Hi, Anonymous (#2)! You'll find the answer to your post in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #410." Thanks for reading!


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