Answering a Reader Question #400

Shayla Wrote:

Hey Dania! I recently came across your blog looking for tips for an open call and you can be sure I'll be looking on this blog daily, it's great! Okay, so I have a few questions plus I'll tell you a bit about myself:
I'm 19, between 5''7 and 5''8, African American Irish and Portuguese, I have naturally green eyes, I am naturally very skinny (very fast metabolism haha) my measurements are 34C, 24, 34 and I currently live in New Jersey on the shore, but if I get signed to an agency I have a place already set up in NY that I can live with a family member. Oh, and tomorrow (the 12th) Wilhelmina is holding an open call that I am going to, which is why I'm asking even though you won't answer in time. And my main goal is to be a Victoria Secret model haha. Okay, so my questions:

-for future reference since i won't be able to use it at this casting call: i have short black hair but i have worn wigs for a few years now and i personally think i look better with wigs but everyone tells me i should go without, which would you advise to go with? wig or without

-i have two scars on my right leg (one is about the size of a silver dollar, the other a dime) they're keloids from mosquito bites i had when i was younger (im allergic to moquito bites, its rediculous) i'm wearing pants for the open call but what would you advise? cover them up? seek medical attention to have them removed?

- I'm literally just under the line for 5''8 and was going to send my pictures out originally as 5''7 but no one wants a runway model at 5''7. a friend of mine told me i would be better off just saying i was 5''8 to get my foot in the door, but i thought dishonesty was a bad way to go. what would you do? i have extremely long legs and look taller than i am in photos and in heels, thats another matter, i look like an amazon.

I feel i have exactly what VS wants when it comes to models, i'm tall, not overly curvy, nice chest size, long legs, and i'm an African American with green eyes which i think would be a fine addition to their collection haha. i have never set foot in a gym so if i did work out im sure my body would be above and beyond what it is now. any tips and or pointers?

and sorry this is so long I just have had no one to talk to about this ever!

Hi, Shayla!

No worries about the length of your post...I'm just happy you'll be able to get answers to your questions! :-)

You should go without the wig because the agencies need to see you as you are. You can mention the wigs as alternative looks but as far as attending open calls and taking snapshots to submit yourself, natural is always best.

The keloid scars would be a hindrance because of the size and location...if they were in an area that was more easily concealed that would be different. Since keloids are raised on the skin, it's more difficult to conceal with body makeup compared to a traditional type of scar that just sits evenly on the surface of the skin. I would suggest consulting with a doctor to see what your options for removing or treating them would be and then decide from there what you feel most comfortable doing.

About the height issue, be honest. NYC agencies have a sharp eye and they WILL be able to tell just from looking at you in person that you are 5'7" and not 5'8" (even if you're wearing heels). Unless you are actually 5'8", even if you're almost close, they'll still see you as 5'7". NYC is a monster of a market and the hardest to break into because the agencies are much tougher compared to other markets, especially in terms of height.  

Case and point: a 5'7" model I know and mentored put 5'8" on her application and was invited to an agency interview. She did great and got signed BUT the agent told her before she left (and I quote): "By the way, you're not 5'8" so don't claim it." Needless to say, she puts 5'7" and is marketed for commercial/print work and not fashion.

Some agencies will measure models without their shoes so regardless of how tall you appear in heels, you can't get around your honest height when it comes to agency representation. Additionally, as a signed model, there will be times when you'll be posing next to/working with other models and clients prefer that they all be about the same in height. If you're 5'7" and wearing 4 inc heels, sure, that'll make you tall enough BUT the other models that are naturally 5'8" - 6'0" will ALSO be wearing 4 inch matter what, you'd still be shorter in appearance and will stand out (not in a good way). Hence, another reason why they're so strict about height.

To be a VS potential in NYC, you have to get signed to Elite or Ford (or another top fashion agency that works with VS)...BUT in NYC, the minimum height requirement for Elite has changed from 5'8" to 5'9" so if you wanted to pursue Elite, it would be very difficult because you'd technically be 2 inches shy of their minimum instead of 1 inch. Your unique physical look could work in your favor, however, but you'll only know if you attend open casting calls. But be prepared to be shut down by some agencies--fantastic look and all--simply because of your height. It sucks but it's the reality.

SO that being advice for you would be the following:

- Make a game plan of the agencies in NYC that you want to submit to. I recommend attending their open casting calls instead of just sending in your photos via email or snail mail (visit the official website of each agency to see if they have open castings). Plan a trip to NYC and hit as many agency casting calls as you can. Hopefully by the end of it, you'll have gained interest from an agency that wants to sign you.

- Since you feel confident in your unique look, hit the fashion agencies first. But like I said, be prepared to be rejected on the basis of your height. Should you find a fashion agency that's willing to make you the exception to the rule, then go for it.

- If you end up not gaining any interest from fashion agencies, start all over again, except this time submit to agencies that have commercial/print divisions, which is actually the realistic path of modeling that you should be pursuing at your height. This field of modeling won't put you on a runway or in a VS catalog/fashion show but it opens the door for magazine ads, catalogs, billboard work, product packaging and any other form of print media.

Hope that helps and good luck at the Wilhelmina casting call!


  1. Hi Dania, I have a question. I'm really frustrated with my body. I'm thin/toned everywhere but my back. It's like my body won't release the fat there. It's like I have small pockets of fat behind my breast on my upper back. My arms are thin. Anyway it's annoying because I exercise and try to eat healthy most of the time. Plus I'm not over weight and my measurements are small. I'm 5'4'' 124lbs and 31d,25,35 and I wear size small shirts. I also do exercises that focus on my back as well. I realize I'm a commercial print model so it won't matter too much but my back fat really bothers me. I'm nervous too because my agency requires all models regardless of division to bring bikini's to castings and I would feel super self conscious if I had to show my back to a casting director. I'm just irritated with my body.

  2. Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your question in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #401." Thanks for reading!


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