Answering a Reader Question #406

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi! I'm 18 years old and i have white stretch marks.I'm not even overweight.I would like to know is it possible that stretch marks get less visible if i work out?If i use oil and if i do some exercises how much can stretch marks disappear in procents?

Hi, Anonymous! Sadly, treating stretch marks doesn't work that way. If your stretch marks are white in color, that means they're older and have been there for a couple of years. Working out and using oils won't make much of an impact on their appearance because in order to affect the stretch marks, action would have to occur in the middle layer of the skin called the dermis, which is where stretch marks live.

At best you can try being diligent about applying products like cocoa butter on a daily basis so that you can prevent any new ones from appearing in the area.


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