Answering a Reader Question #964

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi I was really wanting to become a sports model, and I'm young and meet many of the standards but, I have terrible acne on my back. I got rid of many of the pimples, but I've noticed there are some scars. How would that affect my chances as well as having frequent breakouts on my face?

Hi, Anonymous!

Having noticeable scarring to the extent you described can make pursuing modeling challenging because there is a difference between a few marks and blemishes here and there and the kind of scarring that has a big affect on the appearance of your skin.

My best advice would be to treat your scars and breakouts ASAP. Make an appointment with a dermatologist and get into a diligent skin care routine to effectively start fading the scars.

Once your skin improves then you should pursue modeling. Doing so will help you feel truly confident and comfortable in your own skin (literally) moving forward.

Best of luck to you!


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