Answering a Reader Question #957

Anonymous Wrote:

Hello Dania! Thanks so much to have created a diary. I just discovered it and it helps so much. I've been a life model for art galleries. Recently I have been approached for nude photography and I would like to know if the rates differ from the full clothed photography. Also, I couldn't find where is the limit to quote a nude or semi nude photo shoot. For example, if I have my hair in front of my nipple and a short, then technically I'm semi-nude in the studio in front of the photographer but still, the result of the photo is that nobody sees any erogenous area. How do you make the difference and quote the right rates? Does suimwear and underwear are the same rates than full clothed in the industry? Thank you for your time and for your expertise!

Hello, Anonymous!

You're super welcome, I'm glad it's proved to be a useful resource for you!

I did a post some years ago about types of modeling (including all the ones you mentioned) and the various pay rates, which can be found below:

Although the post was from a while back, the pay rates don't tend to change too much (aside from the additional factors like location/market, budget, client, usage, what you need to provide versus what will be provided for you, etc). so you can use it as a starting point. Please note that I obtained the info from another online source so I am not the original author of the content. It's more for reference.

Aside from the rates quoted above, from previous castings I've seen for nude modeling projects in terms of photography, I've seen models charge anywhere from $150/hour up to $500+ for a half day and $1,000+ for a full day of shooting (these are models who have lots of experience in nude modeling and a portfolio showcasing their specialty in this category).

Anything involving nude modeling should command the highest rate due to the obvious nature of the work involved.

Lingo-wise, doing full nude modeling is one thing but if you aren't actually showing any private parts/genitalia, then it is technically "implied modeling" or "implied nude modeling." This rate would not be as high as the other categories mentioned above because you aren't showing anything.

While the pay rate should still be up there (I would say $100/hour would be a good place to start negotiating a price for your modeling services), you wouldn't charge the same as you would if you were required to be nude and showing your private parts.

Hope that helps as a starting point for you!


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