Answering a Reader Question #956

Anonymous Wrote:

Is a test shoot same as tfp or is it a specific kind of tfp? And is it ok to have a resume with both acting and modelling work?

Hi, Anonymous!

You are correct. A test shoot is also known as a TFP shoot and is used interchangeably with other terms like "TF" or "trade shoot." They all essentially mean the same thing: a free exchange of services between a photographer and model to create images both parties can use for promotional purposes.

It is perfectly acceptable to have a resume with both acting and modeling work if you offer both types of services.

However, it is also a good idea to create other variations of your resumes, like one with just your acting work and one with just your modeling work. Sometimes you'll have to submit the right version according to the project you're interested in.

For example, if you want to submit to an acting job then you should send them the resume that has just acting work on it and not modeling projects and vice-versa. So having these 3 versions will make your life a lot easier for targeting work-specifics castings.


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