Answering a Reader Question #957
Anonymous Wrote: Hello Dania! Thanks so much to have created a diary. I just discovered it and it helps so much. I've been a life model for art galleries. Recently I have been approached for nude photography and I would like to know if the rates differ from the full clothed photography. Also, I couldn't find where is the limit to quote a nude or semi nude photo shoot. For example, if I have my hair in front of my nipple and a short, then technically I'm semi-nude in the studio in front of the photographer but still, the result of the photo is that nobody sees any erogenous area. How do you make the difference and quote the right rates? Does suimwear and underwear are the same rates than full clothed in the industry? Thank you for your time and for your expertise! Hello, Anonymous! You're super welcome, I'm glad it's proved to be a useful resource for you! I did a post some years ago about types of modeling (including all the ones you mentioned) and the...