Answering a Reader Question #953

Maya Wrote:

Hi. I have a question regarding height. I've been researching model agencies I want to submit pictures to. I do meet the minimum height requirement which is 5'8. However, I measure out to 5'8 1/2. I am trying to get into the agency's curve division which requires models to be at least 5'9. While doing my research, I notice that there are some exceptions. There are curve models who are 5'8. Now to the question !!! I notice that some agencies round their model's height by a half inch. For example, a model I've been following is signed to multiple agencies. On one agency website the model height is 5'8 and on another agency page, they measure to 5'8 1/2. Is it common for agencies to round a models height to the closet half inch ? Also, is it wrong for an agency to round their model's height? Thanks a lot !!!

Hey, Maya!

I like to say that nothing in the modeling industry is as it seems--it is a world of make believe, after all--and to maintain that mystery, it is common for agencies to round up and even outright fudge heights for their models. Having different heights listed for one model with several agencies also makes it difficult for anyone to know the real truth.

It's normal for the industry but it is at the agency's discretion whether they will choose to do that or not and it happens on a case-by-case basis.

I personally don't think it's right just because it continues to feed into aspiring models's insecurities about physical requirements they feel they need to meet to make it in the modeling world (and in some cases is hypocritical), however, the modeling world is all about exclusivity. They want to make it difficult to get in because that's how you maintain the demand. So while I don't agree with it, as a businessperson I see the business decision made behind it although I'll be glad when such a practice isn't necessary. Only time will tell with that.

In your case, go with your height of 5'8" 1/2 to get your foot in the door. When you get signed you'll know at that time what your agent decides to do in regards to what they list for your height.

Hope that helps and best of luck to you!


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