Answering a Reader Question #951

Rosina khininda Wrote:

Am Rosina khininda 27 age I want to be a model on fashion but I dnt knw wat to do an WHR to start an am unemployed I Ned help am person who do the job with care an hard worker but I dnt have afortfolio

Hi, Rosina!

I don't know where you live so I can't really give you much info other than to say that a cost effective way of submitting to modeling agencies is to visit the websites of agencies that are within a 2 hour's drive from where you live as a starting point.

The agency websites will have instructions about how you can submit to be considered. You don't need professional images in most cases to submit to modeling agencies as an inexperienced candidate. 9 times out of 10 the agencies request non professional, digital snapshots. Those are easy to take with a digital camera or your phone (as long as the quality is good).

Sending digital snapshots to agencies is free, as is attending open calls and interviews so that is one way to try and get your foot in the door in a way that won't cost you anything.

However, if you end up getting signed there will be some costs/expenses involved but don't worry about that for now since you're not at that point yet. When you get signed the agency will help you put together the professional portfolio that will be used to market you to clients so right now you do't have to worry about putting a portfolio together yourself.

I hope that helps!


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