Answering a Reader Question #953
Maya Wrote: Hi. I have a question regarding height. I've been researching model agencies I want to submit pictures to. I do meet the minimum height requirement which is 5'8. However, I measure out to 5'8 1/2. I am trying to get into the agency's curve division which requires models to be at least 5'9. While doing my research, I notice that there are some exceptions. There are curve models who are 5'8. Now to the question !!! I notice that some agencies round their model's height by a half inch. For example, a model I've been following is signed to multiple agencies. On one agency website the model height is 5'8 and on another agency page, they measure to 5'8 1/2. Is it common for agencies to round a models height to the closet half inch ? Also, is it wrong for an agency to round their model's height? Thanks a lot !!! Hey, Maya! I like to say that nothing in the modeling industry is as it seems--it is a world of make believe, after all...