Answering a Reader Question #950

Steve W. Norwood Wrote (in response to the blog post, "Mature Models: Don't Compare Apples to Orange"):

Hello Dania:

The mature models in your photo collage all appear over 55, and the 'senior' models over 65. Is there a sub-category for middle-aged models? For looks, I think my appearance is of this age group. I'm not ready to be a senior!lol. How about 35-year models, what category do they fall into?
You made that important point that most articles and websites are designed for younger models (and women), the 'meat and potatoes' of the modeling industry.

I know of a swimwear designer/manufacturer in Central Florida that issues a yearly on-line catalog, in addition to standard photos of young women, many mature men are also featured, but most of them are beefcake with large chests so I did not apply. Is this what buyer demographics want to see?

Do you think for mature and middle-aged male models today, that the fit, slender, athletic look is more popular than the body builder type?
For submissions of snapshots, you wrote for ladies: "The key is to not wear anything that would take away the focus from your face." I assume this is the same for men?
Steve W. Norwood

Hey, Steve!

Lifestyle modeling is the category of commercial/print that is for female and male models ages 25+. There is no maximum age so mature models tend to be included in this category. The word "mature" can be misleading and while it does bring to mind models that are 40+, it can also mean those who are in their 30s. It's a more general term that is thrown around interchangeably and not meant to be taken too literally.

As far as the photos associated with that particular post I used, I actually had a hard time finding quality photos of lifestyle models that didn't have their faces covered by watermarks from stock photography sites. I was also looking for images that had men and women of different ethnicities, which was hard to find without watermarks as well. So it was more of an editorial decision based on what images were available via a Google Image search.

In regards to the Central Florida designer/manufacturer you described, that is what that particular company wants to project to their target demographic. But that doesn't mean all designers/manufacturers who use lifestyle and mature models want their male models to look that way. So it is a case-by-case situation that varies from client to client. That means there is certainly a chance for a male model of your age and physicality to do catalog work, it's just a matter of finding the client whose look you match their demographics for.

The fit, slender and athletic look is most certainly in demand for lifestyle and mature male models these days than the body builder types. That's why lifestyle and commercial/print continues to be so in demand because clients want those category of models to reflect the consumers they service and can relate to. So you'll be perfectly at home within the lifestyle and commercial/print world. :-)


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