Answering a Reader Question #947
Anonymous Wrote:
Hi Dania, I'm 16 and I want to pursue a career in modelling but I have really bad scars and acne on my face and back. Also I have psoriasis on my left feet and my legs. I don't know what to do to make it better or at least make me feel confident enough. Since I have had this I have had so much going on, I've been Bullied, told I can never be pretty or a model because I'm too ugly. I want so much out of modelling and if it works out I want to get into acting. hope you can respond and help me. I really want to improve my skin, so that when I'm 18 I can get on with my modelling career. Thank You :)
Hi, Anonymous!
First off, I'm truly sorry to hear about you being bullied. There's no excuse for anyone to bash another person and I know that being a teenager these days is hard enough with clowns like that distracting you.
It does sound like you have a lot going on with your skin issues and that the first priority is to get that back on track. Pursing acting/modeling is only worth it if you know that you are worth it.
Are you currently seeing a dermatologist and/or using products to remedy the acne/acne scars and psoriasis? I don't know what your daily skincare regimen is like so if I knew the details in regards to that, maybe I could help you a bit more effectively.
At your age, your body is dealing with a lot of changes that often manifest in the conditions you have. Stress also plays a huge part. Aside from finding products and a regimen to get your skin in order, you'll need to find a way to decrease any stress levels you may be dealing with. When you are focused and place yourself in a positive mindset that isn't distorted by bullies and toxic people, you can really start paving the way to becoming more confident in yourself and your abilities, not just as a potential model/actor but as a young woman.
And these things do take time so that is a huge factor in the process. But I can promise you that if you stick to your guns and keep yourself focused on your goals, when the timing is right you will be able to pursue all those things and be the best version of yourself there is.
If you'd like to discuss things in more detail, especially concerning your skincare issues, please don't hesitate to email me directly:
Hi Dania, I'm 16 and I want to pursue a career in modelling but I have really bad scars and acne on my face and back. Also I have psoriasis on my left feet and my legs. I don't know what to do to make it better or at least make me feel confident enough. Since I have had this I have had so much going on, I've been Bullied, told I can never be pretty or a model because I'm too ugly. I want so much out of modelling and if it works out I want to get into acting. hope you can respond and help me. I really want to improve my skin, so that when I'm 18 I can get on with my modelling career. Thank You :)
Hi, Anonymous!
First off, I'm truly sorry to hear about you being bullied. There's no excuse for anyone to bash another person and I know that being a teenager these days is hard enough with clowns like that distracting you.
It does sound like you have a lot going on with your skin issues and that the first priority is to get that back on track. Pursing acting/modeling is only worth it if you know that you are worth it.
Are you currently seeing a dermatologist and/or using products to remedy the acne/acne scars and psoriasis? I don't know what your daily skincare regimen is like so if I knew the details in regards to that, maybe I could help you a bit more effectively.
At your age, your body is dealing with a lot of changes that often manifest in the conditions you have. Stress also plays a huge part. Aside from finding products and a regimen to get your skin in order, you'll need to find a way to decrease any stress levels you may be dealing with. When you are focused and place yourself in a positive mindset that isn't distorted by bullies and toxic people, you can really start paving the way to becoming more confident in yourself and your abilities, not just as a potential model/actor but as a young woman.
And these things do take time so that is a huge factor in the process. But I can promise you that if you stick to your guns and keep yourself focused on your goals, when the timing is right you will be able to pursue all those things and be the best version of yourself there is.
If you'd like to discuss things in more detail, especially concerning your skincare issues, please don't hesitate to email me directly:
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