Answering a Reader Question #892

Anonymous Wrote:

Hello!! I just recently turned 19 and I am a little over 5'8". My measurements are roughly 34-25-37 and I weight about 129. Can you please tell me what I need to weigh or how much weight I need to lose to become a model, or if I even have a chance considering my height and age. Thank you so much!!!!

Hi, Anonymous!

What matters more to agencies are measurements so if you want to have some kind of guideline, you'll want to consider that the "industry standard" is 34-24-34 (bust, waist and hips in inches). However, you can be one inch larger in any or all of those areas so 35-25-35 would be the max.

You have the minimum height for fashion modeling so if you wanted to pursue that, then you'd want to focus on slimming down your hip measurement, which can be difficult. There are exercises and other health related info that's just an online search away, though, so it would be worth looking into and seeing if you can find resources to help you get down from a 37" to a 35" hip measurement.

Don't want to go that route? Then you can also submit yourself to commercial/print agencies, which are much more flexible when it comes to measurements and weight. Print agencies care that their models are height/weight proportionate, which you are, and that you are healthy in appearance so I doubt that you'd have to lose any weight or slim down if you went the print model route.

So you have those options available to you. And you can certainly be a model given your age and height so it's just a matter of deciding which type of modeling you want to go after and seeing what responses you get back once you start submitting to agencies.

Best of luck to you!


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