Answering a Reader Question #891

Anonymous Wrote:


I'm trying to become a model, so i'm going to attend my first casting. I am thinking about having some pictures with me. but since i'm just starting I don't have a portfolio and i dont have too many pictures to put on a portfolio, so I would like to know where should i put them. Since I dont have portfolio I would like to know where should I have them when going to the casting.

thank you!

Hey, Anonymous!

I don't know what kind of photos you have, what the sizes are or if they're professional or non-professional but agencies are perfectly fine with you bringing non-professional snapshots that are no smaller than 4"x6" but no larger than 5"x7".

You can just bring those as they are without a portfolio or other type of carrying/display case but make sure to write your name, stats and contact info on the back of each photo in case they get separated.

If you have professional images that are larger than the sizes I listed above, then you can just bring them as they are--you don't necessarily need a carrying case but if you want to keep them protected and prevent bending and other types of possible damage, you can put them in a manila folder or pocket folder, which can be found at any office supply store.

As long as you keep it simple, that'll do just fine.

Hope that helps!


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