Answering a Reader Question #870

Anonymous Wrote:

Hey.. I live in New York but I am currently working 9 to 5, 5 days a week.. Is it possible for me to start modelling 

Hey, Anonymous!

It is possible to model while holding down a full-time 9-5 job BUT it will be a juggling act that could get crazy at times. I only recommend pursuing modeling for "9-5ers" if you have a job that is flexible and that will allow you to miss work randomly--if your goal is to get agency representation.

Notifications for castings and bookings can happen as last minute as 24-48 hour's notice and if you keep telling your agency that you can't make it because of your job, then they're less likely to submit you or may not want to represent you further because you can't make the necessary commitment to them.

That's not to say that models can't make the two work because they can but it can be stressful at times and will cause you to have to choose between one or the other at certain points (i.e. taking a big modeling job but getting in trouble at work because of it or vice-versa).

It's important to let your agent know that you have a 9-5 job and be prepared to persuade them as to why they can rely on your to be available when they need you to be, despite the commitment you need to make to your full-time job.

However, if you choose the option of freelancing (finding modeling work on your own), then that will be a better compromise because you can then choose how much you want to book modeling work and can choose weekend gigs so that it doesn't interfere with your job during the week. So that could be an alternative worth looking into if you feel the agency route would be too much to handle.

Hope that helps and best of luck!


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