Answering a Reader Question #869

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania!

I'm looking to become a freelancer/part-time model because I have done a few photoshoots for my photographer friends and I really enjoyed it. I have a medium sized tattoo on my side stomach that I got a few years ago. Didn't think I was going into modeling but now I kind of regret it. The tattoo is well done and I don't think anyone would consider it offensive. I'm Chinese-American, 22 years old, 5'8' and slim. I'm really worried that this tattoo might prevent my from getting my foot in the door. Although I don't plan to pursue modeling as a full-time career as I already have a well paid job in the financial industry, it still would frustrate me a lot if I could not get into modeling just because of my tattoo. I don't have any other tattoos or body piercings. What do you think of my chances in getting signed by an agency? Thank you so much!

Hi, Anonymous!

With larger tattoos, it's always a possible obstacle when it comes to agency representation but that doesn't necessarily mean you wouldn't be considered at all by an agency. You have the height, which is good and if you have a marketable look, all it will take is pairing with the right agency.

There is always body makeup and Photoshop to remove a tattoo for any shoots you do so there are ways around the body art issue. More and more models these days are inked to some degree so it wouldn't be as if an agency wouldn't know what to do with you or how to handle the situation.

I would say be mindful of the info you find on the websites of the agencies you're planning to submit to. I've only seen one or two agency websites where they specifically mentioned that they can't or won't represent models with large or extensive tattoos but if the sites you're checking out don't mention it, then I say it's fair game to submit. :-)

For now you shouldn't let your tattoo prevent you from attending open calls and submitting snapshots. The worst an agency can say is, "No," and even then you'd have a definite answer so do your agency research, submit to the ones that you qualify for and see what feedback you get--and be confident even with your ink! Don't treat your tat like it's something to be ashamed of--that mindset will affect your body language and interaction with the agency at an open call and/or interview.

Best of luck to you!


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