Answering a Reader Question #875

Anonymous Wrote: Hi dania.I want to get signed to an agency. Im african- american and i have really short hair. When going to an open call should I wear my natural hair? Hi there, Anonymous! The rule of thumb is to wear your hair the way you do on a daily basis so if that's natural, then that's the hairstyle you should wear to an open call, especially if your hair is that short. If an agency asks if you'd be okay with wearing extensions, that's one thing but if they like you with your natural hair, then you won't have to worry about committing to a hairstyle that you don't normally wear. It's okay to mention in the open call, however, that you'd be open to a different hairstyle if they feel your short, natural hair wouldn't be as marketable (but only offer that if you truly are okay with it). Hope that helps!