Answering a Reader Question #700

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania, 
I just turned 17 and I want to began a career in modeling. My questions sounds silly but, when I go to a photoshoot, send face shots, or go to an open casting should I keep in the extensions that I have ? My hair isn't healthy anymore so I don't know what to do.

Hi, Anonymous!

That's not a silly question at all. Having extensions is fine but if you choose to submit your snapshots to agencies with them then you'll have to commitment to maintaining that hairstyle. Do you plan on wearing your extensions for the long term?

I don't know what hair type you have or the issues you're currently dealing with that have led to it being unhealthy but what you could do is try taking snapshots with both your natural hair and with the extensions, then seeing which version you feel most comfortable with sending in.

If you opt for the extensions, you'll want to make sure to tell the agencies if you get invited for an interview. If the extensions are good quality, appear natural and aren't synthetic, I don't see where an agency would have any trouble with it.

However, in the interest of your hair in the long term, you should start taking the steps necessary to get it back on track towards being healthier so that you'll eventually be able to wear your hair naturally without relying on the extensions. Start putting some extra TLC into your hair care routine. If you don't already have a regular hair stylist who knows your hair type, look into getting one, it does make a huge difference.

I chemically relaxed my hair for years and couldn't get it to grow longer because I had significant breakage and it was always dry. I found a wonderful hair stylist who knew how to deal with my hair type and since I started working with her 2 years ago, I've since stopped chemically relaxing and found better ways to maintain my hair. It is now growing perfectly healthy on its own and I no longer have to wear my extensions.

If you need guidance as to what to do with your hair to get it back into shape, email me directly at: and I'll see what I can do to help point you in the right direction. I was a beauty, hair, anti-aging and health and wellness writer for 6 years so I have a bit of know-how when it comes to that kind of stuff. :-)


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