Answering a Reader Question #632

Rita Wrote:

Hi Dania! It is Rita again! Thank you for your tips, they really helped a lot! In fact, the agency wants to sign me! However, they want me to pay $450.00 for a photo shoot for comp cards, and then another $85.00 for 50 cards. Is this reasonable? I had a friend tell me they should not charge me for anything this early on and that it could be a scam. I researched a bit, and they don't seem to be but it doesn't hurt to take caution. What do you think? (:

Hi there, Rita, good to hear from ya!

Glad I could be of some help and kudos on the agency's offer to sign you!

Okay, my big question for you is this:  

Did they offer you a contract first and then tell you about the charges for the shoot and comp cards or are they asking you to pay this first before giving you a copy of the contract to look over?

The answer to that question alone will determine whether or not this should be something to pursue further.

When I got signed to Ford Models back in the day, I paid $400 for my test shoot (my portfolio needed major updating), as well as $75 extra for them to print my comp cards. But that was after I had signed a contract, making it completely legal for them to ask me to cover those costs. So the figures I paid are very similar to what the agency told you, which is a good sign. But again, it's going to make all the difference whether or not they've extended a contract to you first.


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