Answering a Reader Question #624

Slim Wrote:

Hi, my name is slim and im 25years old, 5'5 and 91lbs. I always wanted to be a model since my teen years but felt like I was over weight and too short. Was still 5'5 at the time but my weight was 120 to 125. I didnt loss weight until after I had my 4year old daughter a few years ago. Anyways, well, now im interested in modeling again with me being 91lbs now. But im wondering if im too old and too thin? Is it too late for me? do you know any good agenices in california? I think theres still hope for me and would really love to give it another shot! Please help?

Hi, Slim!

First off, you were NOT overweight back then, even at 120-125 pounds, which is the maximum weight according to agency standards. If you're concerned about looking too thin, look into changing your eating habits so that you're able to gain weight in a healthy and steady way. However, if you don't believe you "appear" thin to the point where other people have mentioned it to you, don't worry about it. And definitely don't lose any more weight! :-)

Given your age and height, you're ideal for lifestyle modeling, which is a category of commercial/print modeling for models age 25 and older. So you're not too old. What part of California do you live in? Because agencies prefer to receive submissions from models that live within a 2 hour's drive, where you are located is important because if you're too far, agencies won't be likely to consider you.

So let me know what city in California you live in (just the city, not your mailing address) and I'll get you a list of agencies that represent commercial/print and/or lifestyle models that you can check out.


  1. Slim,
    Thank u so much for responding to my email and sorry, I didnt know where to find ur response. But I live in oakland ca. Its close to san francisco for sure. But yes, please me where. Because there are alot of scammers out there. you are so beautiful by the way. I love your portifolo

  2. Hi, Slim!

    No worries, I know sometimes my readers have a tough time finding the answers I post on my blog(s).

    Here are the agencies in SF that have print/lifestyle divisions you'll want to submit yourself to:

    Boom Models & Talent

    Stars The Agency

    Look Model Agency

    Marla Dell

    SF Top Models & Talent Agency

    Scout Model Management

    JE Model

    And thank you so much for the wonderful compliments!!!


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