Answering a Reader Question #635

Anonymous Wrote: Hey there! I want to start modeling and just want to know if I get a tattoo on my back, will it limit me in my career? About medium size? If it's on my back does it really matter? Please help xx :) Hi, Anonymous! While I won't say that getting a tattoo will make modeling impossible for you, I am a firm believer that not having any tattoos or avoiding large ones in visible areas will make you more appealing to an agency. Agencies prefer no tattoos but make exceptions depending on the size, location, what type of tattoo it is, etc. Where on your back would the tattoo appear and what would it be of? Even if it's on your back in general, think about the types of clothing you would wear if you were, for instance, going into fashion/runway modeling. Swimwear, evening gowns and certain types of blouses show a lot of skin, including the back. Having a medium sized tattoo would definitely show and require body makeup to conceal it. I would recommend ge...