Answering a Reader Question #551

Brooke Wrote:

My name is Brooke and I just signed a contract in Japan. I've recently been going to walking lessons... I'm having some problems finding the right shoes to wear. Do you have any styles that you would recommend? How to break them in? I know the standard wearing them around and all that but are there some tricks of the trade that you could maybe help me with lol... Also skin care.. Whatever the last MUA used on my skin has been causing it to break out like crazy around my jaw line... Is there anything I can do or use to prevent this from happening?

Hi there, Brooke!

Congrats on the contract offer, that's incredible! :-D

For shoes that you can practice your walk in, I highly recommend a pair called Touch Ups Genesis (taupe). These are 4-inch heels I purchased years ago and still wear them to this day--even to castings and in shows. They're not the trendy, super platform style heel--they're the more strappy, traditional kind. I find them much easier for practicing runway walks in and they aren't hard to break in at all, so they'll save your feet, lol.

Here's what they look like:
However, you'll also want to purchase the trendier, platform high heel style I mentioned earlier (just in case clients would rather have you sport those). While I personally hate the style and feel that it doesn't help models walk properly (because the weight in the front of the platform part of the shoe makes you feel off balance), I still recommend that you get a pair and learn how to walk in them because you want to be prepared in case you are required to walk in a pair of shoes of that style. I hope that makes sense?

You should avoid any high heel styles that have clear plastic for the straps or other part of the shoe that goes over your foot. The material tends to be very uncomfortable and causes redness and water blisters. Stick to patent leather and other commonly used materials and it'll be better for your feet.

Aside from wearing the heck out of new heels while at home, below are other tips that could help you with the process:

- You probably already know this but when breaking in heels and walking around in them, you should always wear socks. This will build in more "wiggle room" for your tootsies, as well as prevent irritation from having the shoe rubbing up against the back of your heels. Wearing "damp" socks is actually better because it helps to stretch and soften the shoe material.

- To help stretch high heels that tend to pinch your toes, wedge a properly sized potato into the front of the shoe and leave it overnight. Remove it in the morning and you'll have much more room to work with.

Allergic reactions in the form of a breakout from makeup products is common in modeling. Do you know what brand and/or type of product the MUA used that day? If so, make sure you avoid it in the future because you're likely allergic to it, skin care wise.

If you're worried about this happening again in the future, I would suggest bringing your own foundation and concealer that works well with your skin. Simply let the MUA know that you have sensitive skin and ask if they can use your products instead. Most times they won't have an issue with this, especially where the health of your skin is concerned.

As far as treating the breakouts, it all depends on what skin type you have. Whenever I have a bad reaction to makeup used for modeling, I immediately use cleansing wipes to remove the makeup (when I'm done working of course, lol), followed by my regular cleanser. This ensures that all of the residual makeup is removed that the wipes may have missed. Next, I use toner on a round cotton swab on the area where the breakout is (I have combination skin). The toner makes the area dry (in a good way) so the breakout doesn't spread. Then I apply my moisturizer. I do my best to avoid wearing any makeup until the breakout goes away.

I don't know your skin type but the process I described above tends to work for me. But by bringing my own foundation and concealer to gigs, I typically avoid such an occurrence altogether so I think that option would be your best bet.


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