Answering a Reader Question #549

Anonymous Wrote:

Hello I am 32, 5'11 197lb I'm working very hard and healthy to get back to 180. I was always told when I was younger and I'm still told to this very day that I should've been and should be a model. My question is..... Is 32 to old to model? I'm very intrested in print, editorial and runway modeling. I've read your blog on how old is to old and found out that commercial and ect, would be best. Is there really no hope for me for runway, editorial and print? I am of French creole decent so I have an european look. I'm just curious because I never had the confidence to ask. :-) thanks in advance. 

Hi, Anonymous!

You're definitely not too old to model. Unfortunately, you are considered "too old" by agency/industry standards for editorial and fashion/runway modeling. Agencies set the age cut off at 21-22 and that's the maximum. Youth is the key factor when it comes to fashion/runway and editorial models and that doesn't look like it will change anytime soon.

At your age, you are ideal for lifestyle modeling, which is a category of commercial/print modeling for men and women over the age of 25. So you can still definitely begin a modeling career at 32--just for a different niche than you had originally hoped for. But the print world holds a host of opportunities for you to be published and maybe even on a runway or two for local shows/designers that have flexible requirements.

Definitely submit your snapshots to agencies that represent lifestyle/commercial/print models and see where things go from there. You'll never know unless you submit!


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