Answering a Reader Question #522

Nala Wrote:

Hi dania

I would firstly like to thank you for having such an amazing blog.
I have aspirations of becoming a VS model I'm only 14 right now but I'm turning 15 on the 24th of december which is in a couple of days. I exercise and do kick boxing and yoga and jog and I try eat healthy I don't wear make up at all do you think I'm on the right track?. I read a post from another website that said that told me to wear things that make me feel beautiful and be confident but I'm not the confident type of girl I'm more of the socially awkward girl are they're any tips you can give me to be more confident?. The post also said you must be on the cover of vogue before you're 18 but how do I do that because I live all the way in south africa but I'm moving to new york in 3 years. And lastly I would like to know if NEXT, IMG, Elite and ford agencies have open casting calls.
Thank you I hope I didn't ask to many questions.


Hey, Nala!

Thanks for the kind words about my blog...I'm glad you enjoy it!

It sounds like you're definitely on the right track as far as taking care of your body so no worries there. I saw the website that recommends that you be on the cover of Vogue before you turn 18. Please note that is not an actual requirement...the person who wrote that just said it would increase your chances. While it is true that being published on such a prestigious magazine will help get the attention of VS, it is not a mandatory thing to do in order to be considered. So if you don't happen to get onto the cover of Vogue before you turn 18 it doesn't mean you're completely out of the running.

As far as being more confident, at your age it isn't always easy to feel beautiful or that you fit in among everybody else. We all go through--or have been through--such a period in our lives, including myself. Being confident is a state of mind and an attitude that constantly has to be worked on. That's important to know. It isn't a matter of trying a few things and then magically a few days or weeks later you become this awesomely confident person.

Just as you're committed to working your way to moving to New York and hopefully becoming a VS model, you also need to be just as committed to the steps it takes to be confident. What works for one person doesn't work for everybody but in my time of mentoring/coaching young, aspiring models, one helpful exercise I always recommend (that so far I haven't gotten any bad feedback from, lol) is to wake up each morning, look at yourself in the mirror and find one thing you like about yourself. It can be a physical characteristic, something about your personality, etc. Look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud that one thing.

Then mentally repeat it to yourself as you get ready for the day. This type of positive thought is a great way to start the beginning of the day. Do the same exact thing before going to bed (this time name a new thing you like about yourself). Do this religiously everyday and over time you will believe in yourself enormously. 

Of the agencies you asked about in New York, Ford and NEXT mention open call info on their websites. For NEXT, you have to call the New York office to find out when their next open call is. Ford lists the days and times for its open call but it says it's only for plus size models so you'll more than likely have to call their office in New York as well to see if they have other open calls for their traditional fashion models.

On the Elite and IMG websites, there is no mention of open call info but that doesn't necessarily mean they don't have them. Once you move to New York, you can always find out at that time if those agencies have them.


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