Answering a Reader Question #521

Ashley Wrote:

Hi Dania! So, I've already asked a few questions (reader question #475) but I have a few more... If you were to persue fashion modeling and had the right measurements does your wieght play in? Like you're proportioned well had the measurements and height but you were heavier? Thanks so much! Love the blog!

Hi, Ashley!

Don't worry, you can never ask too many questions!

If your height and measurements are on point, then weight doesn't play as much of a factor. However, if you're aiming for fashion and runway, just be aware of the fact that in large markets like New York and Los Angeles, fashion agencies do "weigh ins" on their models so they'll know exactly how much they weigh.

And in some instances, even if the height and measurements are good, an agency could still tell a model to lose a few pounds.


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