Answering a Reader Question #467

Lizbeth Wrote:

I live in Boston, MA. What are the nearest agencies for beauty/glam modeling that I could contact? How would it be the best way for me to contact them? Sending snapshots or going for a open call?

Hey, Lizbeth!

Unfortunately, after much searching I wasn't able to find any legit agencies that have beauty divisions or that represented glamour models in the Boston area. The agencies that were available mainly represent fashion/runway and commercial/print models.

That being said, your best bet would be to pursue freelance modeling. So you'd basically have to go about putting together a professional portfolio so that you'll have images to submit to modeling gigs that are looking for beauty and/or glam models.

Model Mayhem ( is one site I suggest creating a free profile on. It is a social networking site for people in the modeling industry. It'll allow you to upload photos and your info, and lets you network with local photographers that specialize in shooting glamour and beauty work. That would be a great way to build your portfolio. There is also a Casting section on the site (free) where you can do a search for paying work according to location. Model Mayhem has a big glamour community so I have no doubt you'd find photographers and clients willing to work with you.


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