Answering a Reader Question #449

Anonymous Wrote:

What about liver spots? I have spots on my lower back lighter than the rest of my skin. Im only 18 so I know its not age. Is there anyway Ican help it? (im a guy btw)

Hey, Anonymous!

Thanks for letting me know you're a guy...that actually makes a difference most times when I'm trying to answer a question!

The good news is that your lower back isn't going to get a lot of close up attention (it'd be more problematic if it was your chest, stomach or upper back) so it could be worse. Based on the research I've done (I'm a skin care and health and wellness writer), it sounds like you've got a case of simple hyperpigmentation. That's just a fancy word for skin discoloration. Liver spots mainly target the face, chest, shoulders, forearms and back of the hands.

There's a number of causes for hyperpigmentation but in most cases you can turn to over-the-counter bleaching creams to try and lighten the spots. Home remedies include putting fresh lemon juice on the spots 1-2 times a day and over time it will gradually get lighter. But if you're looking for a more effective solution, your best bet would be to make an appointment with a dermatologist to see if you can get a stronger prescription product.

It's also a good idea to wear sunscreen/sun block on that area whenever you plan on going shirtless outdoors. Oftentimes, too much UV exposure can affect the skin, resulting in hyperpigmentation.


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