Answering a Reader Question #388

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania! I've wanted to be a model for quite a while, given my tall slim body and unique look. The problem is, i'm not very photogenic. But i've got a strong runway walk, so i was wondering if it was possible to just be in fashion shows? or is there a way i can make myself become more photogenic? thanks bunches dania! xoxo

Hey there, Anonymous! If runway is your strong point I don't see any reason why you can't specialize in just fashion shows. I don't know if you plan on freelancing or seeking agency representation but if it's the latter, you should trust the opinion of your agency to decide whether or not you're photogenic enough to use in traditional shoots (you might find that an agency thinks you're perfectly photogenic even if you don't).

As far as being more photogenic, my best piece of advice would be to practice in front of a mirror and become more comfortable with how you appear naturally. Find out what your best angles are and which is your "best side," if any. That should be your starting point. The next step would be to do more test shoots or even having a friend take digital snapshots so that you can identify what it is about yourself that you consider as not being photogenic. Then you can take the steps needed to "tweak" how you're posing or what your expression is like so that it translates better in front of the camera. It's also important to make sure you've got the right lighting...that makes a huge difference.

Additionally, you can use photo references of models with certain expressions and try to mimic that yourself, have someone take your photo and see how it turns out afterwards. If your face/expression/pose turns out similar to the original model's photo, then you'll know you're on the right track.


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