Answering a Reader Question #382

Anonymous Wrote:

I want to be a VS model but I live in Australia and my perents don't want me modeling :( help me

Hi, Anonymous! Below are what you need to do if you want to seriously pursue VS modeling:

1. Turn 18. You can't be a VS model unless you're at least 18 years of age. So if you're younger than that, you'll have some waiting to do. The good news is that at 18, you'll be an adult and won't need your parents' permission to pursue this type of modeling.

2. Move to New York. To be considered for VS, you have to be where the action is, which is New York. Right now it's not an option for you since you're in Australia so until you're able to relocate to the United States, your options/possibility for being a VS model will be severely limited. So start saving your money!


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