Answering a Reader Question #367

Anonymous Wrote:

Hi Dania, you have a great body. So I want to know what do you do to stay so in shape. What type of exercises do you do and for how long to you perform the exercise. Also what is your diet like how healthy do you eat.

Hey there, Anonymous! Why thank you for the compliment! :-)

Before I dive into answering your questions, I will say upfront that I owe my figure to my genetics. My father is tall and super skinny and my mom is short and curvy so I came out in between. In addition to good genes, I have a naturally fast metabolism. That's been a huge life saver for me in terms of keeping my figure in shape. However, since I'm not getting any younger, I've since learned how to lead a lifestyle that will help maintain my body (you can never rely on good genes alone, lol).

That being said, I commit myself to eating right. About 5 years ago, I went from eating the standard 3 square meals a day to eating 5-6 small meals. This basically consists of healthy snacks in between breakfast and lunch and in between lunch and dinner. Doing so allows my metabolism to constantly burn calories around the clock. Eating more frequently also means providing my body with energy and curbing hunger pangs. Too many people make the mistake of eating breakfast and then nothing else until lunch (same with eating lunch then waiting until dinner), which leads them to be starving and then overeating in one sitting.

I only drink water, decaf green tea and lemonade (it's my guilt pleasure!). I don't drink soda, with the exception of clear soda like Sprite or Sierra Mist, which is caffeine-free. I don't drink coffee, energy drinks or anything with excessive amounts of caffeine.

For my snacks in between meals, I always eat fresh fruit and/or Fiber 1 bars. I add veggies to my dinner so that I'm not missing out on those nutrients and I take a daily multivitamin (Women's 1 a Day for Petites) so that I'm covered as far as my intake of vitamins and minerals. I allow myself to indulge in snack foods on weekends or 1-2 time a week if I'm really craving it. Consuming foods that are high in salt, sugar, deep fried, etc. on a regular basis is a quick way to gain water weight and feel bloated. Junk food is only okay in moderation.

To be honest, I don't exercise but I'm constantly on the go, which has helped me with my body and weight management. Aside from modeling and acting, I'm also a muralist/chalk artist and that job is physically demanding since I'm painting or designing on large surfaces--every week I'm constantly climbing up and down ladders, reaching and stretching, etc. so that's how I get my form of regular exercise.


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